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Can I use OpenAPI 3 instead of OpenAPI 2 (formerly Swagger)?

Yes, set spec.specVersion to 3 in your tsoa.json file. See more config options by looking at the config type definition.

How do I use tsoa with koa, hapi, or other frameworks?

Set the middleware property in your tsoa config. Out of the box, express, hapi and koa are supported. You can also provide a custom template, for more information, please check out the guide

How to ensure no additional properties come in at runtime

By default, OpenAPI allows for models to have additionalProperties. If you would like to ensure at runtime that the data has only the properties defined in your models, set the noImplicitAdditionalProperties config option to either "silently-remove-extras" or "throw-on-extras". Caveats:

  • The following types will always allow additional properties due to the nature of the way they work:
    • The any type
    • An indexed type (which explicitly allows additional properties) like export interface IStringToStringDictionary { [key: string] : string }
  • If you are using tsoa for an existing service that has consumers...
    • you will need to inform your consumers before setting noImplicitAdditionalProperties to "throw-on-extras" since it would be a breaking change (due to the fact that request bodies that previously worked would now get an error).
  • Regardless, "noImplicitAdditionalProperties" : "silently-remove-extras" is a great choice for both legacy AND new APIs (since this mirrors the behavior of C# serializers and other popular JSON serializers).

Dealing with duplicate model names

If you have multiple models with the same name, you may get errors indicating that there are multiple matching models. If you'd like to designate a class/interface as the 'canonical' version of a model, add a jsdoc element marking it as such:

 * @tsoaModel
export interface MyModel {

How can I get the most from my OAS?

Now that you have a OpenAPI Specification (OAS) (swagger.json), you can use all kinds of amazing tools that generate documentation, client SDKs, and more here.