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JSON Schema / tsoa keyword annotations

Under the hood, OpenAPI heavily relies on JSON Schema Draft 00 for all the data model specifications. JSON Schema Draft 00 defines data types that are not implemented in TypeScript. A great example are integers. If we want to communicate that a number must be an integer, tsoa will specify this in the OAS and validate incoming requests against that.


As always, $ref restrictions apply

In general, the JSDoc notation is very similar each time:

@<keyword> <argument>* <rejectionMessage>?


interface CustomerDto {
     * @isInt we would kindly ask you to provide a number here
     * @minimum 18 minimum age is 18
    age: number;
     * @minItems 1 at least 1 category is required
    tags: string[];
     * @pattern ^(.+)@(.+)$ please provide correct email
    email: string;


For parameters, use the @<keyword> <paramName> <argument>* <rejectionMessage>? syntax in your JSDoc (similar to descriptions or examples)

List of supported keywords (with arguments)

Click here for the list of keywords supported by OpenAPI 3


  • @default
  • @format


Formats will generally not be validated, except for format: date(time), which will automatically be generated for TS type Date.


  • @isDateTime <errMsg> for setting custom error messages
  • @isDate <errMsg> for setting custom error messages
  • @minDate <errMsg>
  • @maxDate <errMsg>


  • @isInt <errMsg> tsoa special since TS does not know integer as a type
  • @isFloat <errMsg> tsoa special since TS does not know float as a type
  • @isLong <errMsg>
  • @isDouble <errMsg>
  • @minimum <number> <errMsg>
  • @maximum <number> <errMsg>


  • @isString <errMsg> for setting custom error messages
  • @minLength <number> <errMsg>
  • @maxLength <number> <errMsg>
  • @pattern <regex> <errMsg>


  • isArray <errMsg> for setting custom error messages
  • minItems <number> <errMsg>
  • maxItems <number> <errMsg>
  • uniqueItems <errMsg>


  • isBoolean <errMsg> for setting custom error messages